If the phrase “Why do my hands sweat so much?” frequently pops up in your mind, you are probably dealing with a common condition known as hyperhidrosis or excessive sweating, particularly Palmar Hyperhidrosis which specifically affects the palms. The condition is neither contagious nor life-threatening, but it can be extremely bothersome and psychologically distressing.

Sweat glands are a natural function of the human body, designed to cool us down when we are over-heated. These glands are located throughout our body, with a higher concentration in our hands, feet, underarm, and face. They are controlled by our autonomic nervous system, meaning they are not typically under our conscious control.

In hyperhidrosis, this system somehow gets overactive, often leading to the question “Why do my hands sweat so much?” The condition can trigger excessive sweating episodes even when the surrounding temperatures are cool or when you are at rest. While in certain cases, an underlying medical condition might lead to excessive sweating, in most cases the root cause remains unknown.

The excessive sweating could become so severe that it may interfere with everyday activities like holding a pen, turning a doorknob, or using a computer. It can also cause social anxiety and embarrassment, further aggravating the condition.

Now that you know why your hands may sweat excessively, the next logical step is to find a solution. Thankfully, in recent years, medical science has made significant strides in that realm.

New Treatments for Excessive Hand Sweating

Treatment for excessive hand sweating, or Palmar Hyperhidrosis, has been a topic of numerous studies in an attempt to provide relief to those affected. One exciting development is a new treatment for excessive sweating called iontophoresis.

Iontophoresis is a non-invasive procedure that uses a minor electrical charge to temporarily block the sweat glands. The procedure involves placing the hands in a shallow tray filled with water through which a mild electrical current is passed. Negative ions in the water prevent sweat from being secreted. You may need several treatments initially, but the results can be long-lasting.

Another breakthrough in excessive hand sweat treatment is the use of Botox injections. Botox, a neurotoxin, works by blocking the nerves that stimulate your sweat glands. Normally, your nervous system activates your sweat glands when your body temperature rises, a function that Botox essentially turns off. This treatment has been successful in reducing sweating by 82-87% and the effects usually last from 4-12 months.

Medications are also an option. These include anticholinergic drugs that block the effects of the neurotransmitter that leads to sweating, and beta-blockers or benzodiazepines that can help manage stress or anxiety that might be triggering your sweating.

In severe cases, a surgical procedure known as Endoscopic Thoracic Sympathectomy may be performed. This involves clipping the nerves responsible for the overactive sweat glands. However, this is usually a last resort, as surgical intervention carries potential risks and side effects.

Living with excessively sweaty hands can be challenging and often embarrassing, but remember, you’re not alone and help is available. Always consult with a healthcare professional to discuss which options are best for you.

That was our article on ‘why do my hands sweat so much‘. Hopefully, you’ve found this article informative and helpful in answering your questions about excessive sweating.